Back At It

Well, it’s been a long time! Hi again everyone.

I’m back, and ready to get on track. Lately, the only constant has been constant change. With the wild swings in my life it has been unusually difficult to keep on track with a healthy diet. In the past couple months I have worked an extreme amount, moved in with my boyfriend, and just got back from a two week trip to Europe. My trip with Matt to Europe was amazing. We had so much fun but ate way too much food and drank a lot of Italian wine and German beer. I was actually surprised that my weight remained level through this trip. Might have been the three to five miles that we walked each day.

Through all the challenges and successes of the past months I have fared decently with my weight. Since I stopped actively keeping my diet in line, I have gained back around five pounds. That means that this morning I weighed in at 153.4 pounds.

Now that I’m back I am ready to hit the ground running. Figuratively and literally. 

My tentative plan is to begin tomorrow with Medifast. I want to kick start this new diet with some good weight loss. Plus, a good break from my usual deli diet with a regimented system like Medifast will help break habits and slight addictions to certain foods. Soon though, in around 3-4 weeks, I plan on weening myself off of Medifast onto a basic lower carb diet. I’m currently thinking out a diet plan that will consist of 1200-1400 calories per day which will include 3 meals and 2 snacks each day. Slowly as I reach my goal of 135 I’ll increase my calorie allowance. This plan is in an effort to ween myself into a healthy diet that will be allow me to lose weight and more importantly keep it off. 

Additionally, Matt and I have tentatively made a deal to run a marathon together. So here comes the literal part of hitting the ground running. Since I am currently confined to being a snot machine (translation: my trip gave me a cold), I will have to slowly get back into running. But at least my legs are pretty well in shape from the walking while we were overseas. 

So, here goes. I promise to be better at this posting thing than I have been in the past couple months. Have a great evening and a healthy dinner!Image

About Diabolical Deli

About Me? Well, people are complicated. So here's a quick snippet. I own and run a delicatessen full time. This is not all I do professionally, but it is my main focus currently. Besides the deli, I am currently a notary public, I manage an apartment complex, and I’m studying for my real estate broker’s exam. I also have a full and rich personal life with many passions including art, dance, cooking, and spending time with loved ones. So much to say, but I leave it to the blog. Find out more about me by reading my articles.
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